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The Huskarls of the Princess's Hird


Huskarls, simply put, are Royal Guards. They have numerous important functions in the Principality of the Northern Forests. The most important job function is guarding the Royal Family. They also act as law enforcement, border patrol, and customs agents. They investigate crimes, arrest people who unlawfully cross the border, and liaison with the host country's law enforcement to deport criminals. It is not uncommon for the Princess of the Northern Forests to seek counsel with her Guards. 

Generally, there will always be a Royal Guard that accompanies the Princess of the Northern Forests no matter where she goes unless she commands them to remain behind. They wear both medieval clothing as well as modern combat gear including plate carriers, AR-15s, AR-30s, sidearms and various other tactical gear. They are disciplined in hand-to-hand combat, military tactics, and follow the Princess command without question in all circumstances. They will not hesitate to stop, detain, arrest, escort or remove you from the Principality of the Northern Forests and/or the Princess's presence.

 Captain of the Royal Guard

Lord of the Manor of Witchwood Haven

The Princess's Royal Guard accounts for roughly 25% of the citizenship of the Principality of the Northern Forests. Thus, for every 10 citizens there will be two official Royal Guards. They are known for their strict rules and protocols. They are loyal, fair, and honourable soldiers. The border guards will be reminiscent of a modern day Military detachment. The political reliability and loyalty of the Royal Guard is the most important factor in their recruitment. 


Basic Requirements for Huskarls

  • Extensive Combat Military Experience;

  • Leadership Experience;

  • Effective in hand-to-hand combat;

  • Medieval Weapon Mastery;

  • Medieval Armour Mastery;

  • History of exhibiting honour, integrity, loyalty;

  • Educated and knowledgeable

 Grand Skutilsvein and Royal Guard

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