The Principality of the Northern Forests
Music by Rok Nardin
Weather in the Principality of the Northern Forests
The Average Temperatures in the Principality of the Northern Forests
The warm season lasts for 3.9 months, from May 20 to September 16, with an average daily high temperature above 56°F. The hottest month of the year in the Principality is July, with an average high of 63°F and low of 49°F. The cold season lasts for 3.9 months, from November 11 to March 6, with an average daily high temperature below 32°F. The coldest month of the year in the Principality of the Northern Forests is January, with an average low of 13°F and high of 25°F. It is normal to see temperatures getting between -30F to -40F during winter every year.
The Average Snowfall in the Principality of the Northern Forests
As with rainfall, we consider the snowfall accumulated over a sliding 31-day period centered around each day of the year. the Principality experiences extreme seasonal variation in monthly snowfall. The snowy period of the year lasts for 6.6 months, from October 5 to April 24, with a sliding 31-day snowfall of at least 1.0 inches. The month with the most snow in the Principality of the Northern Forests is December, with an average snowfall of 15.6 inches. The snowless period of the year lasts for 5.4 months, from April 24 to October 5. The least snow falls around July 22, with an average total accumulation of 0.0 inches.
The Average Wind Speeds in the Principality of the Northern Forests
This section discusses the wide-area hourly average wind vector (speed and direction) at 10 meters above the ground. The wind experienced at any given location is highly dependent on local topography and other factors, and instantaneous wind speed and direction vary more widely than hourly averages. The average hourly wind speed in the Principality experiences significant seasonal variation over the course of the year. The windier part of the year lasts for 6.5 months, from September 19 to April 5, with average wind speeds of more than 7.8 miles per hour. The windiest month of the year in the Principality is January, with an average hourly wind speed of 10.2 miles per hour. The calmer time of year lasts for 5.5 months, from April 5 to September 19. The calmest month of the year in the Principality of the Northern Forests is June, with an average hourly wind speed of 5.6 miles per hour.
The Growing Season in the Principality of the Northern Forests
Definitions of the growing season vary throughout the world, but for the purposes of website, we define it as the longest continuous period of non-freezing temperatures (≥ 32°F) in the year (the calendar year in the Northern Hemisphere, or from July 1 until June 30 in the Southern Hemisphere). The growing season in the Principality of the Northern Forests typically lasts for 4.1 months (127 days), from around May 15 to around September 18, rarely starting before April 26 or after June 4, and rarely ending before August 29 or after October 7. The use of warmed arctic greenhouses can greatly extend the growing season for more delicate vegetables.
The percentage of time spent in various temperature bands. The black line is the percentage chance that a given day is within the growing season.
The Cloud Cover in the Principality of the Northern Forests
In the Principality of the Northern Forests, the average percentage of the sky covered by clouds experiences mild seasonal variation over the course of the year. The clearer part of the year in the Principality begins around February 15 and lasts for 2.2 months, ending around April 22. The clearest month of the year in the Principality is March, during which on average the sky is clear, mostly clear, or partly cloudy 47% of the time. The cloudier part of the year begins around April 22 and lasts for 9.8 months, ending around February 15. The cloudiest month of the year in the Principality is December, during which on average the sky is overcast or mostly cloudy 61% of the time.
The information on this site is provided as is, without any assurances as to its accuracy or suitability for any purpose. Weather data is prone to errors, outages, and other defects. We assume no responsibility for any decisions made on the basis of the content presented on this site. We draw particular cautious attention to our reliance on the MERRA-2 model-based reconstructions for a number of important data series. While having the tremendous advantages of temporal and spatial completeness, these reconstructions:
(1) are based on computer models that may have model-based errors,
(2) are coarsely sampled on a 50 km grid and are therefore unable to reconstruct the local variations of many microclimates, and
3) have particular difficulty with the weather in some coastal areas, especially small islands.
We further caution that weather conditions at any given location and time are unpredictable and variable especially in the Arctic Climate, and that the definition of the scores reflects a particular set of preferences that may not agree with those of any particular reader.