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Application for

Personal Heraldic Arms


The Law of  Heraldic Arms

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Heraldic FAQs

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Here are a few Coats of Arms granted by the College of Arms of the Principality of the Northern Forests.

The College of Arms is the official heraldic authority for the Principality of the Northern Forests. The College of Arms is responsible for the granting of new coats of arms, making a confirmation of existing arms, maintaining a register of arms, pedigrees, genealogies, Royal licenses, changes of name, and flags. The heralds advise on all matters relating to the Nobility, precedence, honours and ceremonial as well as national and community symbols including flags. The College of Heraldry in the Principality of the Northern Forests designs and grants high quality Coats of Arms unique to the Principality Heraldic law and tradition. 

Armorial Achievements

An Armorial Achievement, also known as a "Coat of Arms" or simply "Arms" for short, belongs to a specific person and their immediate family should those immediate family members choose to use Principality approved cadency marks.  For expository simplicity, there is no such thing as a coat of arms for a family name. From their origins in the twelfth century when they began to be regulated to the present day Armorial Achievements have been borne by individuals as marks of  distinction and identification. They have also been used to denote other characteristics, which have changed over the centuries as society and culture have evolved. Thus,  a Coats of Arms are inherited, granted, matriculated, or assumed by one individual person - not a "family name." The hereditary nature of Armorial Achievements makes them appear to the unlearned observer that they belong to a family name, but they don't.

  • Inherited Coat of Arm: This means a person bares the Coat of Arms legally from someone who had a Coat of Arms previously. For example, the person's father died and that person now uses the Coat of Arms of their father without candacy marks. At some point these inherited Coat of Arms were granted by a government body somewhere by Letters Patent.

  • ​Granted Coat of Arms: This means an official Bureau of Heraldry has granted a Coat of Arms to a specific person. For example, the Chief Herald of Ireland grants a Coat of Arms to you specifically. These can be inherited by a person's descendants.

  • Matriculated Coat of Arms: This means that a Coat of Arms are re-recorded in your name from one of your ancestor’s, either with a small difference or without if the person is a true heir. Basically, an ancestor of yours who bore the same surname had a Coat of Arms granted to them and there is currently nobody legally using them so you can petition the government to have those Coat of Arms Matriculated into your name.

  • Assumed Coat of Arms: This means you have a Coat of Arms that you simply assumed. Many assumed Coat of Arms are fraudulent and the person has no right to bare those arms legally. The legal way to assume a Coat of Arms is to have a Professional Heraldic Artist design one, but few people take this route and instead illegally assume a Coat of Arms that is not there own. 

If you currently have a Coat of Arms that is not granted, Matriculated, confirmed, or inhereited with approval of the Prince of Arms of the Northern Forests then you will have to have those Coat of Arms confirmed by the Prince of Arms in order to be in complaince with Our heraldic law. That may mean small "alterations" to your arms.  The fees for Arms are listed below:

The fees for a new grant of a Coat of Arms for non-nobility is based on a totality of adminents and complexity. Non-Nobility heraldry is less expensive due to the inability to use a variety of elements, such as supporters, crowns, and coronets. Our heralds spend a great deal of time designing, researching, communicating with the grantee, and making sure these Coats of Arms conform to Principality Heraldic Laws as well as maintaining adherence to traditional Heraldic traditions globally as much as possible. However, Principality Heraldic Laws come before those traditions in other authorities. 


A confirmation of existing arms has a fixed fee of $150 USD because their arms have to be redrawn by our heraldic artists making sure they comply with the Principality Heraldic Traditions and Laws and will be automatically recorded in Our Heraldic Rolls which will also be available in a hardcopy book.


The Prince of Arms of the Northern Forests and subordinate Heralds of Arms are in charge of confirming, designing, and creating any Coat of Arms for subjects of the Princess of the Northern Forests. The confirming, designing, creating and registering a Coat of Arms takes a great deal of time. Time from petition to registration may take up to 4-8 weeks or longer. The fees include the Princess's Heralds fee, registration fees, as well as mailing and supply fees. To get your own Coat of Arms please download and fill out the applications at the top left of this page and email it to the email address below. If your application is approved you will get a Paypal invoice.

Please use the e-mail addresses below to inquire about obtaining your own Coat of Arms:

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