The Principality of the Northern Forests
Music by Rok Nardin
The Princess's Coronation Medal
This medal is a commemorative medal instituted to celebrate the coronation of Princess Cedrus of the Northern Forests on 01 January 2020. This medal was awarded as a personal souvenir from the Princess to members of the Royal Family and selected officers of state, members of the Royal Household, government officials, Nobility, public servants, local government officials, members of the Royal Guard, and anyone else She deems suitable at her pleasure.
The Front of the Medal
The front of the Princess's Coronation medal shows the side likeness of the Princess of the Northern Forests wearing the crown of the Sovereign Princess.
It is hung to a emerald green ribbon drape of high quality materials and the medal itself is crafted using the finest medals by an expert jeweler.
The Princess's image is raised upon the medal and can be felt with the fingertip over the material
The Back of the Medal
The back of the Princess's Coronation medal features the Princess's coronation date as well as the crown of the sovereign princess over the Princess's Cipher which means: Cedrus I Reigns
It is hung to a emerald green ribbon drape of high quality materials and the medal itself is crafted using the finest medals by an expert jeweler.
It is not raised to the significant level as the Likeness on the front.
Official Description of the Medal
The Princess of the Northern Forests Coronation Medal is a silver disk, 1.25 inches in diameter. The obverse features a crowned effigy of Princess Cedrus of the Northern Forests, facing right, in a high-collared ermine cloak and wearing the collar of the Royal Order of the Crown of the Northern Forests and Badge of the Royal Order of Arctic Knights. There is no raised rim and no legend.
The reverse shows the Royal Cypher "CIR", surmounted by a large crown of the Principality of the Northern Forests. The legend around the edge reads "Princess Cedrus Crowned 01 January 2020". The medal was designed by the Royal Household. The emerald green ribbon is 1.25 inches (32 mm) wide, with 5⁄64 inch (2 mm). Ladies who are awarded the Princess Cedrus Coronation Medal, can wear it on their left shoulder with the ribbon tied in the form of a bow if they so choose to or in a Court Mounted Chest Plate when in uniform.